Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Worrying about Snakes


Southern Pacific rattlesnake. Pat Murkland Photo

It's snake season.
We have 6 species of rattlesnakes in Southern California.
Three different species live where we do.
Each has its own DNA.
The anti-rattler vaccine doesn't appear to apply to our snake breeds.

Anti-rattler training with shock collars?
Many Irish Wolfhound people will tell you,
not with their hounds.

Our first wolfhound, Erin, was our snake-wise trainer of other wolfhounds.
When Blake was a baby, she taught him about snakes.
Today, Blake barked ferociously.
We investigated.

Blake wanted too let us know this snake was in the yard.
This is our "snake protection yard," with a snake fence around the chainlink.
The snake still found its way in.

Fortunately, this was a beneficial gopher snake. Whew.
Blake stood guard while we checked out the situation, watching the snake and protecting us.
Good dog, Blake!
Thank you, Erin. Good training.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

You've Got Mail!

We've got mail! A mysterious package from Texas.

Rosie (at left) says to her mom, Ginny:
"Hey, this could be from my brother Ocho."

Ginny (right) to Rosie: "Yes! It is from our dear Ocho."

Look! Ocho even helped wrap the presents inside.

Wow! Two cards, beautiful and funny,
three cool Ocho decals ...

... And wonderful studio shots of Ocho
(pictured at one year old).

Check it out. Feel envious. It's an OCHO T-SHIRT!

Here's the newspaper with the Page 1 article about Ocho.
He received his certification to be a therapy dog, in case you have not seen the glaring headlines.
And here's another view of the t-shirt.
Thank you, Ocho, and the Cox family,
for such magnificent gifts.
We love you!